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When you run PhoneBot application on your computer, after a few seconds, you will see a white window with 4 tabs:

  • Run campaign
  • Run One Task
  • Settings
  • Support

The 1rst tab “Run Campaign” will let you choose the campaign you want to run, and on which devices you want to execute all your automation tasks.

The 2nd tab “Run One Task” will ask you first to select a campaign in order to display all the enabled tasks of this campaign. Then you can execute one single task on one specific device. This option is useful for debugging or to run quickly one single task.

The 3rd tab “Settings” is where you enter your license key and install all the necessary software to automate smartphones. There is also a tool to scan and detect all your smartphones plugged into your computer.

The 4th tab “Support” will show you some links and contact details to get support.