Send Multiple Friend Requests in One Click on Facebook

If you don’t have enough budget to market your brand, automating social media is a fantastic way to gain new leads. Increasing your Facebook friends list could give your brand more exposure, and set the ground for a successful cold messaging campaign. This tutorial will explain how to send multiple requests, in order to add targeted group members as friends. All in some simple steps. 

Facebook groups are the perfect place to find new prospects. Given that groups revolve around a particular subject, targeting some strategic groups could put your brand in front of people who would potentially be interested in what you offer. Let’s imagine you are in the coffee industry. If you target groups of coffee lovers, you will surely gain hundreds of new clients. 

Nobody knows your buyer persona better than you. Find some groups related to your business and start adding their members as friends. Not only will your brand be displayed on their news feed, but you will also be able to deploy your cold messaging campaigns more effectively. 

Keep on reading to see how to add group members as friends using the PhoneBot technology.

1. Prepare a List of Targeted Groups

Finding some appropriate groups is as easy as performing a simple Facebook search. This part could seem tedious, but PhoneBot needs the exact coordinates of your targets. Open Facebook, and do a simple search.

Let’s imagine you’re in the coffee business. Insert “coffee” as your keyword, then filter the results by groups.

Add Facebook Group Members as Friends at Once

There are millions of Facebook groups with thousands of members. Look for groups with an important subscriber base. For instance, the group in the picture below (148,200 members) could be a potential target.

Facebook bot to add Friends

Once you’ve found your targeted groups, copy and paste their URL in a Google spreadsheet. Don’t forget to join them, otherwise you may not be able to access their members’ list.

List of Facebook Group to add friends in automatic

2. How to Befriend Thousands of People on Facebook?

2.1 Using an Old Facebook Account

If you create several fake Facebook accounts in order to befriend thousands of people, be careful, as Facebook won’t take long to remove your brand new accounts if it notices you’ve sent a suspicious amount of friend requests.

If you are planning to use a new account, make sure to keep a normal behavior for at least three months before starting to befriend thousands of people. This way you avoid getting banned by the platform.

2.2 The Friend Invitation Limit per Day

There’s no real consensus whether there is a friend invitation limit per day. Some believe you cannot send more than a 1000 friend requests per day. However, such a number may certainly trigger Facebook spam alert. The idea is to be as prudent as possible, since getting your company’s official account banned would be disastrous for your campaign.

All we know for sure is that you cannot go beyond 5000 friend requests, neither beyond 1000 pending requests.  

3. Configure PhoneBot to Add Several People as Friends at Once

3.1 Download and Install PhoneBot on Your Computer

If you haven’t installed PhoneBot yet, you can test it for free. There is a guide that explains step by step how to install it and a video knowledge base that describes the process from scratch. Our live chat is at your disposal to help you whenever necessary. You can also contact us by WhatsApp or phone at +33767371715, or by email at

3.2 Configure the “Send Multiple Friend Requests” Task on PhoneBot

Once you have downloaded, installed and correctly activated the PhoneBot software on your computer, you need to create a campaign and configure the desired task.

Create a new campaign mass adding Facebook friends

You can pick any name you want. Remember that a campaign is composed of one or several tasks.

Name your campaign bulk adding Facebook friends

Then choose the desired task. In this case, select “Facebook Add Group Members as Friends” under Authority.

choose the task Adding Facebook friends

Another way to access the task is by using the left menu. There you will find all the tasks sorted by categories and platforms.

How to add automatically Facebook Friends

Make sure to choose the right task. If you accidentally click on the wrong one, you can unselect it at any time.

add Facebook friends in automatic


Once you land on the task page, you can start configuring all the details of the specific task.

The safety of your Facebook account is our top priority. To avoid getting banned, we strongly recommend keeping to the PhoneBot limit of 20 friend requests per day.


Provide PhoneBot with a Google spreadsheet containing the URLs of your targeted groups. We have previously seen how to find suitable groups for your campaign. All you need to do is copy and paste the URL of your spreadsheet in the corresponding field.

Facebook friends bot


Once you’ve created your messages, do not forget to save your configuration and enable your task.

robot to automate adding Facebook friends

Then, enable your campaign on the Campaigns page.

Enable Campaign Facebook add friends

4. Run PhoneBot to Add Several People as Friends at Once

To execute the campaigns, you need to use the PhoneBot software already installed on your Computer.

You can run your tasks from any of the first two tabs of the PhoneBot software (see image below). The first tab enables you to execute your whole campaign, which is to say, all the tasks configured in a particular campaign; whereas the second tab allows you to execute one specific task from a campaign. Make sure to choose the right campaign and device (this task can be performed either in a computer or a smartphone). Then just click on “Run”.

Run Campaign Facebook Add friends

For further and more detailed information on the campaign and task execution, please refer to this detailed tutorial.


PhoneBot gives you the means to increase your Facebook influence in one click. Adding members of groups related to your niche as friends can absolutely help you increase your client base. Take a look at our other tutorials to discover all the different tools PhoneBot offers you.

Check all our features and prices.